Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Friend

When I think of you K.C., so many things come to mind. You are quite possibly THE most vibrant soul I've ever known!
I think of going about my business @ The Corner and being totally blindsided by a tackle, over and over and over. I think that with your broken ankles, this might be the one time I could actually win a wrestling match - and you're sleeping through it! I think of mud-diving at the swimming hole, in the mud that smelled curiously of turpentine. I think of the time that you and Austin talked me into driving home from the swimming hole with no pants, and we really did almost have a wreck because you also talked me into taking all the turns without braking.
More than anything I think about the trip to Chicago! Bad Kitty get off the ground!
I've put John Spencer's Blues Explosion into the c.d. player and can't seem to change it now because it makes me think of you and Ruf. and the days of fun that seemed like they would never end.
I'm praying to ALL the deities for your full recovery.
I love you my friend!

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